Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas. It is a byproduct of burning fuel in automobiles, fireplaces, stoves, furnaces, and other fuel-powered machines and appliances. If unchecked or unregulated, CO can build up to hazardous indoor levels that can cause illness and even death among humans and animals. Because the fatal effects of CO often occur without forewarning, it has been deemed the silent killer.

While many symptoms of CO poisoning may seem harmless and not unlike those of other less serious illnesses like the flu, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates around 400 people are killed each year from CO poisoning.

If you notice the onset of headaches, dizziness, nausea, weakness, or more serious chest pains, especially if they are limited to a specific area of your home or are affecting multiple occupants, seek immediate help by first calling 911. Your second call should be to the professionals at Merts, who have a proven track record of delivering quality products and services with honesty and integrity. Some of the most common clues are:

Here at Merts Heating & Air Conditioning, we take our customers’ protection and safety seriously. We recommend a furnace tune-up each season to help prevent and detect CO levels. You should also install carbon monoxide detectors in your home and place them near your smoke alarms/detectors. You may also invest in combination CO alarm and smoke detectors. 

Call Merts today to schedule a furnace inspection and CO detector installation. You’ll sleep easier at night knowing your loved ones are fully protected against deadly CO poisoning.