Where Is The Water Used In A Boiler Coming From?

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Where Is The Water Used In A Boiler Coming From?

The last thing you want to see in your Illinois or Northwest Indiana home is a boiler leaking water. Radiant heating systems are sealed, and any sign of a leak indicates you likely need a boiler repair from the professional HVAC technicians at Merts Heating & Air Conditioning.

What Causes Leaks?

If the system is sealed, how do boilers leak and what causes it to happen? Here are a few common reasons:


This happens over time and eventually weakens pipes and tanks. This can allow water to leak. If the damage is isolated it may be possible to repair it, but in many cases widespread corrosion means the boiler must be replaced.


Boilers and radiant systems are pressurized. If the pressure gets too high the boiler must allow pressure to escape through a pressure relief valve. This can allow some water to escape as well. Excess pressure can also cause leaks if there are any weak spots or loose connections.


A boiler has a temperature control valve (TCV) which can leak water if the temperature gets too high. This is a dangerous situation if the boiler is used to supply hot water in your Illinois or Northwest Indiana home. If the boiler temperature is too high, it can lead to dangerously hot water coming out of the taps.

Pump seals

While the boiler heats the water, a pump is needed to circulate the heated water throughout the home. Seals on the pump can fail allowing water to escape. The good news is the seals can often be replaced as part of a boiler repair.

Loose joints

This is a natural part of wear and tear. Heat and pressure cause continual expansion and contraction which is hard on joints and connections. Hopefully, any leaks that happen can be fixed just by tightening those connections.

An Ounce of Prevention

Routine boiler cleaning and maintenance can minimize many of the underlying causes we just talked about. During a visit to your Illinois or Northwest Indiana home, a trained technician will make sure the boiler is operating at the correct pressure, examine the pressure relief and temperature valves to assure they are working correctly, and look for any telltale signs of corrosion or loose connections. By practicing proper boiler maintenance, you can not only prevent annoying and damaging water leaks, but you are also slowing down the aging process for your boiler. To learn more about Merts Heating & Air Conditioning and the services we offer, be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.