How Much Does HVAC Installation Cost?

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How Much Does HVAC Installation Cost?

It’s perfectly understandable when people ask questions about HVAC installation costs. Merts Heating & Air Conditioning wants you to know there is no single cookie cutter cost estimate that works for every job. Any heating and cooling contractor in Illinois or Northwest Indiana who tells you there is either isn’t telling the truth or doesn’t know the business. Let’s talk about just a few of the factors affecting installation costs.

Type of equipment

There are cost differences depending what type of heating and/or cooling system is being installed. You will pay more for larger capacity units and for those that are higher efficiency. Some brand names will also cost more and it’s up to the homeowner to decide if it’s worth spending that money.

Labor costs

This is always a part of HVAC replacement costs. No matter what type of system you buy, it requires skilled workers to make sure the installation is done correctly. The cost can also vary depending on how complicated the job is. This includes any problems removing the old system. 

Ductwork is vital to heating & cooling

The HVAC cost is going to be higher if significant ductwork is required to accommodate the new system. In some cases, a new duct system will have to be custom designed and installed from scratch. More likely is the need to seal leaks and properly insulate the existing ducts.

Added accessories

If there are people in the home with respiratory diseases or who suffer from allergies, an HVAC replacement is a great opportunity to improve your indoor air quality, but it will increase the cost of your heating and cooling installation. Whole home humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and sophisticated air filtration and purification systems are all available from Merts Heating & Air Conditioning.

We’re here to help you

Don’t be afraid to ask Merts for help when it comes to determining your HVAC cost for equipment replacement. Just call and schedule a free no obligation estimate in your Illinois or Northwest Indiana home. For more great information like this, be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.