How Does A Humidifier Improve The Quality Of Air?

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How Does A Humidifier Improve The Quality Of Air?

There’s likely nothing more important to you than your Illinois or Northwest Indiana home and the health and comfort of the people who live there. However, many people who feel that way completely ignore the damaging effects of the extremely dry air we experience during our long winters. Merts Heating & Air Conditioning believes proper humidification is one of the most ignored facets of healthy indoor air quality.

By the Numbers

The ideal indoor humidity level is between 40 and 50 percent. During a Midwest winter that number can easily drop into the low 20’s and sometimes much lower. Chances are air that dry will make you feel uncomfortable, but it’s more than just a nuisance. There are multiple serious consequences:

  • Your health—Dry air means your body dries out resulting in dry skin, chapped lips, and dry eyes. Sore throats and nose bleeds are more common because your throat and nasal passages are too dry. This can also cause a chronic cough, especially if you suffer from asthma. Additionally, research consistently shows viruses, including the coronavirus, live longer when there isn’t proper humidification
  • Higher heating bills—Dry air creates evaporative cooling. In simple terms you feel colder when the air is dry. Proper humidification will make you feel warmer meaning you can set the thermostat lower by two or more degrees. This will cut your heating bills. 
  • Static electricity—Static shocks are no fun (okay maybe you thought it was funny when you were a kid) for you or your pets because they are downright painful. They are caused by the dry air and can also damage delicate electronic devices.
  • Damage to your home—Your Illinois or Northwest Indiana home is one of your most important investments and it can easily be damaged without proper humidification. When dry air removes moisture, it can cause cracks in wood flooring and furniture. Prized belongings like paintings and wooden musical instruments can be permanently damaged. 

Let’s Talk Solutions

Merts Heating & Air Conditioning can help you address proper humidification as part of an overall indoor air quality plan. We strongly recommend a whole-house humidifier which is installed as part of your central heating system. It distributes moisture throughout the entire home along with the heated air. You can also opt for one or more portable units, but they only humidify a single room and are much more inconvenient than a central unit.

Merts is Here to Help

Call now to schedule your no obligation estimate on how to protect your home and health from the damaging effects of dry winter air. To get more great information like this, be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.